Youth & Family Programs
The Bascom's Education Department is committed to providing life-enriching experiences through comprehensive arts education for children and youth. We offer a variety of educational programs which include workshops, ongoing classes, Private Art Classes, field trips, demonstrations, and community classes, designed to meet the needs of young artists of all skill levels. Scholarships sponsored by the Cullasaja Women's Outreach, ensure that all students can participate.

Youth Classes & Workshops
Our youth classes and workshops are designed specifically for younger artists below the age of 18 years old to explore, develop, and get real hands-on instruction in a variety of mediums.

Private Youth Lessons
The Bascom offers private, personalized art experiences designed specifically for our younger artists in clay, drawing, painting or mixed media.

Community Day
Each year, The Bascom thanks our community by offering a day filled with free art activities for the whole family. The date for Community Day 2025 is July 5th.

Take & Make
Take and Make offers “to-go” packets with accompanying print lesson plans and instructions, and online video tutorials that provide instruction and insight in to each project.

Mr. Bill vs The Box
Join Mr. Bill in his online art studio as he meets a new challenge in each episode, creating something out of the surprise materails he receives in his box.

Read2Me Story Walk
Located along The Bascom Nature Trail, and connected to the Highlands Plateau Greenway, the Story Walk offers the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while reading about "Cowee Sam"
Get Your Passport Stamped!
The Bascom is one of four (4) kid-friendly trails on the Highlands Plateau Greenway needed to complete the stamps in the Kids Hike Highlands Passport Program. Young explorers and natures lovers can hike our nature trail to get a stamp.
When all four stamps have been collected, participants may pick up a special prize located at either theHighlands Town Hall, Highlands Recreation Center, The Chamber of Commerce, The Library, or The Bascom. They also receive a "I Hiked Highlands!" sticker and pin.
Get moving today!
Downlaod the Activity Map or visit the Highlands Plateau Greenway website to learn more about the program and the trail system.
Sign Up for Our Newsletter
Visit: 323 Franklin Road
Highlands, NC 28741 (Map It)
Call: 828-526-4949 (Main)
828-787-2892 (Ceramics Studio)
This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Learn more at
Funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more at
Funding is due in part to a Tourism Grant with Visit Highlands, NC. Learn more