Exhibitions and Shop:  Tue - Sat; 10 am - 5 pm | Studio Barn:  Mon - Sat 10 - 5; Sun noon - 5 pm |  828-526-4949 | Get Directions 

Youth & Family Art Programs

Youth & Family Art Programs

Life-enriching experiences through comprehensive arts education for children and youth

Located along The Bascom Nature Trail, and connected to the Highlands Plateau Greenway, the Story Walk offers the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while reading about "Cowee Sam"

"Cowee Sam", by Claire Suminski is an interactive experience. There are activites for everyone to participate in as they walk the trail. Run like a fox and scoop up hens with Farmer Joe as you follow Cowee Sam's adventures as he watches over the animals in his barnyard.

Get Your Passport Stamped!

TBS KidsPassport HighlandsPlateauGreenwayMap 2020 Page 1The Bascom is one of four (4) kid-friendly trails on the Highlands Plateau Greenway needed to complete the stamps in the Kids Hike Highlands Passport Program. Young explorers and natures lovers can hike our nature trail to get a stamp.

When all four stamps have been collected, participants may pick up a special prize located at either theHighlands Town Hall, Highlands Recreation Center,  The Chamber of Commerce, The Library, or The Bascom. They also receive a "I Hiked Highlands!" sticker and pin.

Get moving today!

Downlaod the Activity Map or visit the Highlands Plateau Greenway website to learn more about the program and the trail system.

Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Opening Hours

Exhibitions & Shop (Winter Hours)
Tuesday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm

Studio Barn (Winter Hours)
Monday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday; Noon - 5 pm

Find Us Online:


Visit: 323 Franklin Road
Highlands, NC 28741 (Map It)

Call: 828-526-4949 (Main)
828-787-2892 (Ceramics Studio)

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This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Learn more at NCArts.org

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 Funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more at SouthArts.org.

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 Funding is due in part to a Tourism Grant with Visit Highlands, NC. Learn more HighlandsChamber.org