Exhibitions and Shop:  Tue - Sat; 10 am - 5 pm | Studio Barn:  Mon - Sat 10 - 5; Sun noon - 5 pm |  828-526-4949 | Get Directions 

Artist Statement

Through the journey of life, my passion has been drawn to various art forms. With formal training as a painter and illustrator, I have carried those skills to a 20-year career as a graphic designer. It fulfilled a need to use my knowledge and artistic expression to design works with a strict set of rules, yet still expressing myself in a two dimensional format. It is in the mid-nineties that I discovered clay.

My first experience as a handbuilder in a 3-dimensional art form gave me a satisfaction of self expression that began as a slow process that eventually built into a need to create. The configuration of the medium created limitless possibilities. Although there were rules and restrictions, I would push them to the limits, eventually creating my own voice.

My discovery of the potters wheel expanded my creative toolbox. I strive to combine my various skills to create forms that speak to me and eventually to the viewer. I utilize not only my artistic knowledge in my work, but also to use the experiences I have gathered as a child into adulthood. Including, but not limited to, fantasy, spirituality, a magical childhood at the beach and the unknown.

It is my goal to let go of preconceived notions of what the finished product should be. Therefore, allowing myself to experience the surprises that the clay has to offer from its conceptual beginnings to the final form.

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Opening Hours

Exhibitions & Shop (Winter Hours)
Tuesday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm

Studio Barn (Winter Hours)
Monday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday; Noon - 5 pm

Find Us Online:


Visit: 323 Franklin Road
Highlands, NC 28741 (Map It)

Call: 828-526-4949 (Main)
828-787-2892 (Ceramics Studio)

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This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Learn more at NCArts.org

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 Funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more at SouthArts.org.

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 Funding is due in part to a Tourism Grant with Visit Highlands, NC. Learn more HighlandsChamber.org